STEAM Groundbreaking Set
An official groundbreaking ceremony for the Saint Stephen’s S.T.E.A.M. Center has been scheduled for Tuesday, Oct. 3, from 8-9 a.m. at the site on the corner of 41st Street W. and 4th Avenue W., Bradenton. Construction on the facility is expected to begin in December.
The Center will be a transformational hub for the school’s science, technology, engineering, arts and mathematics programs. It will provide a home base that is easily accessible to faculty and students in every division, providing the next generation of scientists and engineers with cutting-edge resources and transformative spaces to learn, collaborate, problem-solve, and create. The building will house an academic maker space, computer science, engineering and robotics design lab, media production studio and more.
The performance area and backstage spaces of the Center will uplift our Fine & Performing Arts program, establishing a dedicated location for budding singers, actors, musicians, and dancers of all ages to develop and showcase their talents. The central area will include seating for up to 600 people for auditorium-style events, and up to 400 for sit-down dinners. Moveable walls allow for different room configurations where multiple programs can be held simultaneously.
Generous donors have helped Saint Stephen’s raise nearly $9-million for the project, and the fundraising drive continues. You can make a gift online here.